Leslie Jones has been appointed by Fareham Borough Council working with Rivington Hark to develop a town centre regeneration plan based around the recent purchase by the council of Fareham Shopping Centre.

- James Cons, Managing Director
- Lydia Firminger, Director
- David Lewis, Executive Director
This opportunity builds on the practice’s skills in master planning and regeneration whilst also drawing on the team’s asset management experience.
The process to date has initially been focused on an effective consultation and assessment of the town and it’s communities to identify key strategic objectives and opportunities within the central area of Fareham.
We now move onto defining these opportunities in more detail. These range from meanwhile and event based interventions through to major regeneration initiatives with new vibrant uses which build on those that already exist. At the heart of these plans will be the notion of linking all that the town has to offer including its new theatre, its waterside location & heritage through new public realm, town spaces and appropriate development.
“Evolving and creating a regeneration strategy and action plan for Fareham Town Centre has become a very enjoyable and rewarding project to work on for the RivingtonHark team. A major contributor to that enjoyment is the creativity, enthusiasm and expertise being brought to the project by the Leslie Jones team” – David Lewis (Rivington Hark)