Earls Court – “Bringing Back the Wonder”

Leslie Jones has been appointed by The Earls Court Development Company to support their place making strategy for the transformation of Earls Court.

Earls Court


  • James Cons, Managing Director
  • Lydia Firminger, Director

The practice, working alongside JLL, is developing a ground floor strategy encompassing the cultural, dining, retail, leisure and meanwhile uses across the wider masterplan.

Building on the vision ‘to bring the wonder back to Earls Court’ these uses will demonstrate how the place is set to re-emerge as a destination to discover wonder. The development will deliver a better piece of the city, which stitches back into existing communities. With an ambition to be a global exemplar of sustainability, it will be a neighbourhood designed for all stages of life, bringing homes, workspace, culture, leisure, open space and community uses within a landscape-led development. We are excited to be part of this extraordinary scheme.
